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 SW Future Plans


Kobold Island - Wayticus

Merchant: Gnmish Wrkshop - iexel

Slaver: The Void - iexel

Tavern Rumors - DireWolf

City GreyStone Changes - dsn

Merchant: Alchemist - dsn

Add Subraces with different abilities - Hand of God


1) Druid Wild Shape.
If the result of the Wild Shape ability use can be changed, then I think the druid class could really use some beefing up. As it is, using this ability is pretty ineffective - trading spell casting for a bit of Str Dex and Con. Since the druid already has weak combat ability, tossing the spells out is making things worse, not better.

2) Can you whip up a book or something that DM's get on enter (sorta like the shroud world letter) with all the scripts and what they do. I can never remember all the punish and polymorph script names. I only remember like 3 scripts though, and then only that they exsist and not how to use them. Keen.
punish script.

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