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Walltell, the deceiver

Alignment: Evil
Domain: Greater God, God of Deceit and Trickery, also called the God of Thieves
Symbol: Midnight Dagger, also called the Dagger of Walltell
Appearance: Appreciative of their innate ability to get out of tricky and sometimes deadly situations, Walltell typically chose the form of a halfling with black hair and black eyes when he appeared on the mortal plane. However, there are also claims that Walltell has appeared in a gaseous human form, easily slipping among the mortals and causing havoc without being seen.

History: Due to his deceptive and tricky nature, Walltell is not trusted by any of the other gods. In fact, he is so mistrusted, that the other gods go to great lengths at times to avoid his company, most especially to avoid listening to his annoying riddles.

Walltell has always supported Phykrell, and joined Crest and Hester in their outward support for Phykrell's initial attempt to become ruler of the gods. It is said that Phykrell had secretly promised the three gods places at his side when he became ruler; however, none of the three knew that he had made the same promise to all three of them.

Crest had watched Walltell among the mortals as he taught them how to deceive and trick one another in order to gain power and wealth. Crest also noticed that Walltell especially seemed to gain enjoyment out of teaching the mortals how to build great traps not only to protect their possessions, but to harm their enemies as well. Crest approached Walltell and offered to teach him great magic in order to make his traps even more powerful in exchange for the placement of traps throughout his moon fortress. Walltell immediately accepted, eager to gain the additional knowledge that Crest had to share. However, holding true to his deceptive nature, when he constructed the traps for Crest's moon fortress, Walltell was sure to leave a way for each trap to be disarmed in a manner known only to Walltell. Walltell knew that Crest had plans for his fortress that involved the tremendous gain of power, and Walltell wanted to leave himself a window of opportunity.

Walltell looked on with interest as Crest's power increased. The God Tilsman also took note of this, and approached Walltell. Tilsman told Walltell that it was not fair Crest should become so powerful while the other gods gained little reward from the magic Crest had taught them. Walltell laughed in response and told Tilsman that Crest gained power from his growing number of followers, and that Tilsman need only gain followers of his own to increase his power. Tilsman left and thought about this for a while, then returned to Walltell with an idea. "I do not possess a great moon fortress in order to be attractive enough to gain followers, nor do I have any great knowledge to impart on the other gods in order to gain their favors, but I have an idea for the two of us to steal power off of Crest." Walltell was interested in this, and asked Tilsman to explain. Tilsman's idea involved the casting of a great spell upon the moon which was unseen by Crest and the other gods. This could be accomplished by using the combined power of Tilsman's control over the darkness and Walltell's skills of trickery. As a result, the two gods could draw power from the moon fortress and gain followers of their own.

Walltell told Tilsman he had no desire to gain power or followers that way, but he would assist Tilsman in gaining such power in exchange for something else. Walltell said that, in exchange for his help, he wanted possession of Tilsman's Midnight Dagger, a dagger which contained powers of light and darkness, and that could kill a mortal instantly with a mere scratch by the blade. Tilsman reluctantly agreed to the bargain, for his Midnight Dagger was his most prized possession, but it was worth sacrificing for the power that awaited him.

Thus, Walltell assisted Tilsman in casting a spell that allowed Tilsman to take power from Crest. When Crest discovered what was happening, he ordered his followers to wage war on Tilsman, thus resulting in the First War of Fate. When the war had gone on for several years, Crest approached Walltell, who had been watching the war with amusement. He told Walltell of his plan to invite Tilsman to his moon fortress to offer a truce but that, once inside, he planned to destroy Tilsman. However, he would need Walltell to provide Tilsman with false information concerning the various traps set throughout the fortress. In exchange, Crest said he would provide Walltell with more knowledge of magic, this time in the form of invisibility spells which enabled one to travel anywhere without being seen. Additionally, Crest provided Walltell with a beautiful black cloak with silver runes that possessed powers of quickness and flight. Walltell, with no loyalty to anyone but himself, accepted Crest's offer and went to Tilsman. Since Walltell had helped him to gain power, Tilsman believed Walltell when he told him of Crest's weariness and desire for a truce, and he believed the information Walltell provided him about the traps in the moon fortress. Walltell was thrilled, for he had accomplished one of the greatest of deceptions.

Tilsman went to the moon fortress, and Walltell looked on with glee as Tilsman became ensnared by his well-laid traps and Crest attacked. Walltell looked on as Tilsman, second only in beauty to the goddess Hester, sustained great wounds across his beautiful face. As Walltell predicted, Tilsman was able to escape. Walltell quickly decided that it was probably advisable that he disappear for a while, just in case Tilsman decided to seek revenge on him...

Followers: Walltell's followers are among the most disreputable lot on the mortal plane. He is worshipped primarily by thieves and small sects of bards who get great joy out of putting his riddles to music. There are several thieve guilds throughout the mortal plane who pay homage to Walltell, and the largest of these guilds is the Brotherhood of the Dagger, currently led by the Halfling rogue Daerios.

Like the followers of Crest, the Shroud allows the followers of Walltell to openly worship their god. In exchange, the Shroud utilizes Walltell's followers in their ongoing search to locate the shards of the key to Phykrell's prison in the Crown Spires.

A common error made by many non-thieves is the assumption that all thieves follow Walltell. This is not the case, as the followers of Tilsman will remind you just before they slice your throat.

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