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> Grey Stone Future Plans

dsn CITY: Grey Stone Future Plans


I want to make some changes to the layout of the various city areas. I have outlined all the proposed changes so that everything is clear beforehand.
Please refer to the <Greystone
Upgrade.jpg> for visual details. These changes seem reasonable and are intended to streamline the appearance of the city from in-game.
Part 1 - Rickheart's Castle
- This area is rotated 90 degrees off, so that needs to be corrected.
- The two gates will be shifted slightly to line up with their counterparts. The city guards will be moved along with gates.
- The building adjacent to the Bell Tower will be shifted one square north to open up the area around the south gate. The two 'portal' squares there don't seem to be doing anything noteworthy.
Part 2 - Greystone Plaza
- The water area indicated by the left arrow will be shifted two squares north.
- The barracks building and the double water fountain will be rotated 90 degrees counter-clockwise to face south. The fountain will then divide the barracks and The Weld.
- To the north, I want to create a large opening in the wall to connect the two market areas. I will leave part of the wall around the cat lady's house so she can have some privacy from the market.
- Some of the various merchant stands will be shifted or rotated into slightly different positions.
- Except for the two houses, I want the area marked by the red/white box to be a single "market place" where we can possibly add other merchants or noteworthy civilians at later times. The paper boy can then walk a full circuit around the north part of the plaza, as can some guards, and Boim the halfling fellow.
Part 3 - Church of the Shroud
- This area has two gates. The south gate from the Westside lines up nicely with the gate indicated by the left arrow. I will move the "entrance area" and its inhabitants indicated by the right arrow over to the left side. I will then remove the right gate since it is not needed.
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