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April 10, 2003==Build50 Plans==(Hand of God)
** Merchant - LVL Drainer
** Molor Island - Good Quest - Mid LVL Area
** Sewers - 1 new low level area
** New XP DEATH penalty.
** Weld Scripts fully in.
** New Drow area by twisties. Quest to close the cavern from there
** PW Token system to track when you have finished quests.
** Removal of Weld Teleporter and improve Ranger Towers.
** Improve Gold/Silver Forges. Add a Fire Beetle belly and get a
Silver Sword that does fire + elc.
** Change Gold/Silver Forges only allowed to forge 2 silver weapons.
** Change Gold Forge only works if you are a paladin.
** If you are not a paladin then you can not acquire a Gold Weapon.
Paladins Only.
** Change all Merchants. Buy at 20% and sell at 200%.
** remove all Plot Coded magic Items. So that they can be sold.
** (ALL) Linking of stories and quests
** (ActionStick) Another Sply HenchMan
** (iexel) New custom spell items for next build
** (OnigoBoingo) Wesmoon WitchWood add on.
** (dsn) Level 1 well area.
** (Wayticus) Kobold Island.??
** (DireWolf) True Troll.
** (DireWolf) Drow Script - Destroy Drow Items when in sunlight.
** (DireWolf) Storm Tavern 2.0. Will have rumors and card games, win real
** (DireWolf) Knight Trackers that actually Track PCs.
** (DireWolf) City Guards that actually feel more real. And bother PCs
depending on lvl.
==Build 49G==(Hand of God)
** Fix DM WHO Stone.
** Fix DM Wand to not cause Chaos in SW Fractions.
** Add to DM Wand the ability to reset a PC Fractions as if he/she had
** Add to DM Wand the ability to make a NPC change Fraction to Hostile or
** Fix or remove Clean up scripts. It needs to stop destroying Plot
needed Treasure. (IE Red door)
** (dsn) Updated Burt conversation again.
April 7, 2003
==Build 49F==(Hand of God)
** Changed Weld Teleporter to not be able to teleport to Ramparts or to
any Koolie Area.
** (dsn) Updated Burt conversation.
** (dsn) Updated SW Map.
April 6, 2003
==Build 49E==(Hand of God)
** Changed Teleporter to not kill, just leave you at 1HP.
** (dsn) Changes to Current Magic
** (ActionStick) Another Sply HenchMan
** Ear of Chosen only falls from DROW now.
** Ear of Chosen will not appear in Sewer Chest.
March 23, 2003
== Build 49d ==(Hand of God)
** Meditiation Potion made LORE.
** Monk Merchant Fixed.
** WHO Stone Gold/Well Bug Fix.
** Added Meditiation Mats to the Weld bath area.
** Minor Changes to City Guards.
** Drow Store is open again. With different Items.
** Several New Low lvl items added.
** Changes to Some Loot Tables.
** Hester Ear only drops from Named now.
** Ogres Blood drops only from ogres now.
** Hesters no longer fight among themselfs.
** Named Hesters changed to Evil instead of good.
** Shroud Papers will now only be given if you have 0xp.
** New players will also now be given a magic dice, Emote Wand, WHO Stone, Paper on these items, and SW Game Play rules.
== Build 49c ==(iexel)
** Completed Old Halls item quests and Key keeper
** Hydrodemon Souls have become less hearty
** Hydrodemon encounters will occurr less frequently
** Removed some errant Under Construction signs in Farland and Large Cavern areas
** Removed some creatures that did not belong from Koolies: Secret Passage
** Added a new NPC to the Weld, Celad the Traveler (he can teleport players to their Party Leader, for a price)
** Verified loot chests in KT and beyond are working
** The area cleanup script has been reactivated. There will be possibilities in which an area may be cleaned after you are disarmed. The script takes note of players Respawning from the area, if the last player to Respawn from the area was disarmed, items on the ground will not be cleaned.
March 10, 2003
== Build 49b ==(Hand of God)
** Loot Table Fixes
** Meditiation Potion Works Again.
** Drow/Koolie Store REMOVED. To be evaluated!
** Koolie Color Guards are now worth 0xp fixes KT XP Bug.
** Several Dozen Items moved to correct locations in the toolset.
** Dozen Creatures moved to correct location in toolset.
** DM DMFI Wands added.
** PC EMOTE Wand added to Veros Store.
** Priest Hana XP/Well Bug Fixed.
** 3 New Staff of the Horned added for Sorcerer, Cleric and Druid.
== Build 49a ==(iexel)
** Door Fixes
** Custom Trigger to Far'hath to stop spawing on top of Wall.
** Clean up of Module Scripts
== Build 49 ==(iexel)
** Franklin will no longer kick everyone from the server upon completing his quest
** Hadush Lurgink in Thug's den should fight now
** Moon Stalkers in Mad Witches should respawn now
** Veros should no longer attack his customers
** Cavern Stalkers were slowed a little
** XP from some monsters has been balanced
** Loran should now be clothed
** The requirements to use the weapon Gore have been downgraded, tell a DM if you have one of these level 21 items and they can swap it for a good item
** Some scripts in Far'hath were fixed
** The door from Prison B1 is linked now
** The portals behind Lodia have been fixed
** Bag of Eating has been disabled, the bags will no longer perform any function at all
** Meditation Potion has been implemented and is available at Vero's, it is LORE
** Sorcerer Potion implemented and is available at Vero's Also.
** Implemented new spawn, loot, despawn system for KT and beyond, let me know how it works out
** Introduced many new areas for KT and beyond, enjoy
** Veros now sells low level Magic staffs
** All city mini-maps will now be fully displayed.
** Gadush Henez(Butcher) is no longer hostile. Evil well thats different.
** Added different Colored Robes of Scales, Robe of the Journeyman, Robes of the Nether, Robes of the Master, and Plate of the Goliath.
== Build 48f ==(iexel)
** Trader Went now has inventory in his store
** Made the city safe for vendors to return
** Fixed some stability issues with the despawner
Item destruction scripts are in place worldwide. Any items dropped on the ground (or left in containers) will be destroyed if you leave the area.
== Build 48 ==
** Added new areas to the Koolies side of the world
** Fixed link to Koolie Territory
** Fixed link to Riddik's Hovel
** Fixed link to House of Enchantments
** Fixed link to Draknon's Home
All NPCs in stores will now spawn when you enter, and despawn when you leave. This should allow for less server overhead (less lag overall due to NPC heartbeats).
** Note **
If you see any evil badgers around town, let a DM know where you spotted it. They do not belong.
** Note **
If you notice any adverse changes to NPC conversations, let a DM know so we can fix it.
== Build 47 ==
** Added some new monk items created by Hand of God. They will be added to loot tables as new areas are created, others are available now.
** Updated the Dragon Retreat Areas with new fixes
** Tinkered with the spells Darkness and Word of Faith.
** Added a new potion script by DM_Tim for testing.
** Fixed door in BGM
==Build 46A--
General clean-up and tweaks to the Lexel/Lorr areas. Number of items made Lore.
== Build 46 ==
** Harold should be of a more even temperment now.
** Added 11 new areas designed by the infamous design team of Lexel and Lorr. The area is currently in Beta and is subject to change. Awaiting a list of items to make lore.
** Increased Global Exp by 25%
== Build 45d ==
== Bug Fix: Several door fixes in Lower Prison
== Bug Fix: Quest Fix for Priest Hanna
== Bug Fix: Quest Fix in BGM
== New Zone: Robe Shop by HandofGod
== Zone Fix: Some changes to Old Hall to stop the freakin badgers.
== Build 45c ==
== Bug Fix: Fixed Conversation for Self-Aware Golem
== Bug Fix: Fixed Conversation for the Key Rogue.
== Build 45b ==
==Tweak: Couple of items from Forsaken Mines L1 have been made LORE. If you have more than one, please destroy them.
==Zone: Old Halls is in. Zone is pretty complicated so I expect it will need some testing before it works smoothly. Please let me know. It should be fully itemized.
==Build 45a==
== Big Fix: Summoned Pets should work properly
== Tweak: Fixed the merchant in the gambling hall that had more money than sense.
== Tweak: Raised taxes on the merchants, the money was used to upgraded the armor for the Shroud Guards,
== New Zone (Incomplete} - Old Hall, will have zone complete by this weekend.
== Tweak: Dagger of Meditation will become LORE next patch.
== Build 45 ==
== Boss encounter with Lodia now made to respawn.
== Small change to the 4th Warder
== Fix for the summoning of Combat Trainers
== Made Ring of Harvest quest more challenging and increased the charge cost per use.
== Spell: significant changes to Summon Animal spells, please test them.
== Spell: Finger of Death now does significantly more damage.
== Spell: Healing Circle now has a larger range and heals for more damage.
== Spell: Doom will apply a -2 to all saves, regardless of saving throw.
== Build 44a ==
** Added Culathoo Keep - Mid Range Adventure with your loving orc
** New Major Quest Line Part 1 Added
** Minor Fix to Rampart, Legionaires were missing a feat.
** Fixed Hill Dwarf Miners
** Multiple item fixes
** More changes to spell resists
== Build 44 ==
** Global Resistance changes, should find many creatures easier to effect with spells.
** Culathoo Area now itemized
** Ramparts now itemized
** Healing Pool made plot
** Contagion spell is now a Debuff, please test it.
** NWN Global Treasure Table deleted yet again.