September 16, 2002
New Version.
- 12 shops, 2 Taverns, 1 Character Hack Area.
Added a UnderSide of City
for Evil Shops.
Thieves Tools &
Equipment (Jenny the Cute Succubus) **UnderSide of City
Evil Cleric Equipment (Temple of Chemosh) **UnderSide of City
- Exotic & Double Bladed Weapons (BeBe's Exotics)
- Weapons and Armor Shop (Flint's Weapons & Armor).
- Bows and Crossbow Shop (Fey's House of Bows).
- Monk Shop (Shalom's DoJo).
- Magic Spell Shop (Magic Box).
- Cheap Items (Gold Piece Store)
- Ranger & Druid Items (Raven's Tree Hugger)
- Cleric Items (Athena's Temple)
- Create/Forge your Own Weapons. (Marrok's Forge)
- Tanner Leather Shop (Face's Leather Shop)
- Gambling house (Blackjack Gambling house) Really
- Taverns & Other Shops (Red Lantern Tavern).
- Level Up Characters (Level Up Area) Level Up Girl will raise you 1 level
at a time.
Changes In this Version
1) Moved Red Lantern Tavern to UnderSide of City.
2) Added Fighting Monks in Shalom's DoJo.
3) Added New Cleric Magic Alter that can create Potions. (Athena's Temple)
4) Modified the Level up Area 1.
5) Added Evil & Good Fighting in UnderSide of City.
6) Added several new items.
7) Added a couple city guards.
Right click HERE
and 'Save As...' for a ZIP version.
Right click HERE
and 'Save As...' for a WinAce version.
August 29, 2002
New Version.
- 10 shops, 2 Taverns, 1 Character Hack Area.
Exotic & Double Bladed Weapons
(BeBe's Exotics)
- Weapons and Armor Shop (Flint's Weapons & Armor).
- Bows and Crossbow Shop (Fey's House of Bows).
- Monk Shop (Shalom's DoJo).
- Magic Spell Shop (Magic Box).
- Cheap Items (Gold Piece Store)
- Ranger & Druid Items (Raven's Tree Hugger)
- Cleric Items (Athena's Temple)
- Create/Forge your Own Weapons. (Marrok's Forge)
- Tanner Leather Shop (Face's Leather Shop)
- Gambling house (Blackjack Gambling house) Really
- Taverns & Other Shops (Red Lantern Tavern).
- Level Up Characters (Level Up Area) Level Up Girl will raise you 1 level
at a time.
Right click HERE
and 'Save As...' for a ZIP version.
Right click HERE
and 'Save As...' for a WinAce version.
August 21, 2002
New Version.
- 9 shops, 2 Taverns, 1 Character Hack Area.
- Weapons and Armor Shop (Flint's Weapons & Armor).
- Bows and Crossbow Shop (Fey's House of Bows).
- Monk Shop (Shalom's DoJo).
- Magic Spell Shop (Magic Box).
- Cheap Items (Gold Piece Store)
- Ranger & Druid Items (Raven's Tree Hugger)
- Cleric Items (Athena's Temple)
- Create/Forge your Own Weapons. (Marrok's Forge)
- Tanner Leather Shop (Face's Leather Shop)
- Gambling house (Blackjack Gambling house) Really
- Taverns & Other Shops (Red Lantern Tavern).
- Level Up Characters (Level Up Area) Level Up Girl will raise you 1 level
at a time.
Right click HERE
and 'Save As...' for a ZIP version.
Right click HERE
and 'Save As...' for a WinAce version.
August 17, 2002
Merchant City Added for download. Beta Version.
- 4 shops
- 1 Dwarf Weapons and Armor Shop(Flint's).
- 1 Elf Bows and crossbow Shop(Fey's).
- 1 Half-Orc Monk Shop(Shalom's).
- 1 Magic Spell Shop (Magic Box).
- There is also a Blackjack Gambling house.
- Then there is the Red Lantern Tavern.
- Marrok's Smith shop can create some special weapons.
- There is also a Level Up Girl that will raise you 1 level every time
you talk to her.
Right click HERE
and 'Save As...' for a ZIP version.
Right click HERE
and 'Save As...' for a WinAce version.
August 1, 2002
Level Up Area Added for download. Full Version.
This module will allow one to add new levels instantly. It also
has free boxes filled with weapons, spells, armor, and potions.
There is also150,000gp available.
Right click HERE
and 'Save As...' for a ZIP version.
Right click HERE
and 'Save As...' for a WinAce version.