Server Firewall Ports Help Page
Port 2302-2400 & 6073
Both UDP & TCP
Port 6112-6119 & 4000
Both UDP & TCP
Port 2302-2400 & 6073
Both UDP & TCP
Port 2302-2400 & 6073
Only UDP
Port 116-118
Both UDP & TCP
Port 27015
Both UDP & TCP
Port 3000
Both UDP & TCP
Port 25600-25601
Both UDP & TCP
Port 8888
Both UDP & TCP
Port 2346
Both UDP & TCP
Port 2346-2348
Both UDP & TCP
Port 27888-29910
Both UDP & TCP
Game Port
Master Server 27900
Game Query Port 28672
CD-Key server 29910
Port 47624 & 2300
Both UDP & TCP
Ports 5120 through 5300
UDP, not TCP for its connections.
If you are wanting to make sure that your NAT is set up to allow the game
to play here are some details:
Outgoing packets:
Source port: 5120-5129
Destination port: 5121-5300
Incoming packets:
Source port: 5121-5300
Destination port: 5120-5129
On the Game Client side, you can select what port your client uses. Go to
your nwnplayer.ini file in your NWN Client Beta install directory. Find the
following section:
Client Port=5120
Change this number if you need to force Neverwinter Nights to connect as a
client on a different port.
Port 6112 UDP
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